

Thanks to a climate-controlled enclosure made of insulated tarps, construction progress has been moving steadily ahead on the new structure at the multi-year revitalization project at Brown’s Bay Beach and Picnic Area along the Thousand Islands Parkway in Mallorytown, Ontario.  

The future bayfront building will house food service and accessible, gender-neutral washrooms and changerooms. Already completed revitalization projects include a new perched beach area, a newly reconstructed portion of the seawall, including accessible entry points to the water, and a new and improved septic system.

Since the previous update, all structural steel work for the building has been completed and the roof trusses have been placed. Inside the insulated tarps enclosure, masonry work has begun. Current masonry work is focused on building the polished cinderblock walls which will form the shell of the new building.

While the masonry work is ongoing, rough-ins for the mechanical systems are being added. Other trades work closely with the masonry crew to install the conduit and plumbing rough-ins where the electrical and plumbing systems will follow. All underground work must be completed before the concrete floor is poured in place, which can be done once the exterior walls are complete.

Crews have been maintaining a steady pace throughout the winter and will continue to push ahead with mechanical work now that spring is technically here. The insulated tarps enclosure will remain in place until we experience consistently warm temperatures.

The Brown’s Bay revitalization project is being managed by Infrastructure Ontario and is on track to see Brown’s Bay Beach and Picnic Area re-open during the 2023 operating season. The exact re-opening date will be determined in late spring. When complete, the newly restored park will be an asset the community can be proud of and a bigger draw to bring people – and tourism dollars – into the area.